Telepathy Empowerment Distant Attunement

Telepathy Empowerment Distant Attunement

The Telepathy Empowerment distant attunement helps to enhance your telepathic abilities. Telepathy takes practice, and the more you work at it the easier it will get. This empowerment will assist you to gain a better understanding of why telepathy occurs. There is one empowerment session with this modality.



Telepathy Empowerment Distant Attunement

The word telepathy is derived from the Greek words “tele” which means distant and “pathe” which means feeling, so basically telepathy literally means “distant feeling”.

Each of us has telepathic abilities

While some of us are more developed and in touch with our telepathic energy than others. As a result of the Telepathy Empowerment, you will gain a deeper understanding of telepathy, as well as boost your telepathic abilities. Allie Walton channeled the original attunement in 2007.

There is no doubt that humans (and animals) are capable of telepathy.

Although, it is true that some people have a stronger, more innate ability to connect with their own telepathic abilities than others. While others consider things that they cannot explain to be something that just happens by chance. Telepathy Empowerment is designed to enhance your telepathic abilities. By invoking this attunement, you will gain a deeper understanding of why telepathy happens as well as how to enhance it. Additionally, the Telepathy Distant Empowerment will help you to accept that you have a very special gift, one that needs to be nurtured.
Telepathy often happens spontaneously or as a result of a dream or vision. Using the Telepathy Empowerment, you can learn how to make use of your telepathic abilities. This attunement will help to open your inner telepathic abilities, in a gentle and powerful way.
In order to receive this attunement, there are no prerequisites. The manual explains the process, as well as how to pass it along to others.
This modality contains:
  • Distant attunements
  • PDF Manual on the Telepathy Empowerment
  • PDF blank digital certificate that you can print out and fill out yourself.
  • Email assistance to answer questions you may have about this attunement.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to guiding you!
Namaste, Starlene


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Telepathy Empowerment Distant Attunement


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