What is Tarot?

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Where did the Tarot come from?

So you’re intrigued by Tarot Readings, and you want to know how it works. I get it—Tarot is an endlessly fascinating subject, it has captured my attention since the first time I held a deck of Tarot cards in my hands in 1989.

Although tarot has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, Tarot is definitely not a fad, it’s a reservoir of wisdom and insight that’s been around for centuries. When you are consulting with the tarot, you are not just peeking into your future—you’re getting a panoramic view of your life, right here and right now.


Tarot’s Origins: Where This Timeless Practice Began

If you’ve ever wondered, “Where did Tarot come from?” you’re not alone. Tarot cards first danced onto the European stage in the 14th century. They were simply for games and—would you believe it—gambling.

It took another few hundred years for them to morph into the introspective tool we use for divination today. Now they are used as a tool for understanding your life in a way that gives it deeper meaning and enriches the everyday experience.


The Deck: Meet the Major and Minor Arcana

When you’re ready to Learn Tarot, know that the deck is divided into two riveting sections

  • The Major Arcana
  • Minor Arcana

The Major Arcana are the big guns—22 cards that navigate you through life’s ups, downs, and everything in-between. They are spiritual lessons that are not always easy to work through but as you do you gain wisdom and experience.

The Minor Arcana is the 56 remaining cards, segmented into four elemental suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. These give you the low-down on your day-to-day world.


The Nuts and Bolts: How to Use Tarot Cards

So, you’ve got your deck. Now what? Lay the cards out in a specific pattern, called a spread. How you arrange these spreads and interpret the cards, that’s where your intuition and insight come into play. Trust me, it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

Exploring Spreads: Your Roadmap to Answers

As you become adept in Tarot Reading, you’ll find a multitude of spreads to choose from. The ever-so-popular three-card spread is a good place to start. It’s quick, insightful, and can give you a snapshot of your past, present, and upcoming days. If you want to dive deeper, you might go for the Celtic Cross spread. It’s a bit more complex but highly illuminating.


Beyond Fortune-Telling: Tarot as a Tool for Growth

Remember, Tarot isn’t just about foreseeing your future—it’s a mirror reflecting your current state of being. Whether you’re after spiritual insight or want a better understanding of your own self, Tarot can be your confidant and guide.

Tarot’s Enduring Charm: Why the Symbols Speak to Us

It’s no wonder Tarot has stayed so popular. Whether you’re using it to make choices or you’re diving deep into its symbolic meanings, there’s always something more to discover. And if you’re as captivated as I am, why not join me in a Tarot Course or if you are looking for a Tarot Consultation click here

Let’s explore this fascinating world together —Starlene Breiter

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