Metaphysical Healing Properties of Kyanite

Metaphysical Healing Properties of Kyanite:
Enhance Your Spiritual Journey

Information about Kyanite:

Kyanite is a mineral found in various parts of the world, including the United States, Russia, Switzerland, and Australia. It comes in a variety of colors. The most common color is typically blue or grayish-blue crystal. Kyanite is often used for its metaphysical and healing properties. Kyanite can also occur in other colors, such as green, orange, and black, and is often used in jewelry-making.


History and Symbolism of Kyanite:

Kyanite has been used for thousands of years by different cultures for its spiritual and healing properties. In ancient times, it was believed that kyanite was able to ward off negative energies and promote peaceful sleep.

It was also used as a tool for meditation and to aid in psychic development. Kyanite is often associated with the throat chakra, helping to enhance communication and self-expression.


Qualities of Kyanite:

Kyanite is known for its ability to align and balance all chakras, making it an excellent stone for overall well-being. It is also believed to promote tranquility, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance intuition.

Kyanite is a high vibration crystal that can aid in deepening meditation and spiritual practices.


Energetic Affects of Kyanite:

Kyanite is a powerful crystal that can bring about energetic changes within the body. It is believed to help remove blockages and negative energies, allowing for a free flow of energy throughout the body. Kyanite can also help to promote emotional healing, aiding in the release of past traumas and emotional wounds.


Uses of Kyanite:

Kyanite is a versatile crystal that can be used in various ways for healing and spiritual practices. It is often used in jewelry-making, carried as a talisman or amulet, or placed in a room to promote a peaceful atmosphere.

Kyanite can also be used during meditation, placed on the body during healing sessions, or used in crystal grids to amplify other crystals’ energies.

Kyanite never needs to be cleansed energetically, and it cleanses other gemstones. Therefore you can place other gemstones on or next to a piece of kyanite and the kyanite will energetically cleanse and re-charge those gemstones.


How to integrate Kyanite into your healing practice:

To integrate kyanite into your healing practice, you can begin by meditating with the crystal and setting an intention for your practice. You can also carry kyanite with you throughout the day or place it on the body during healing sessions. Kyanite can also be used in combination with other crystals to amplify their energies.



Ways to utilize Kyanite for metaphysical healing:

Kyanite can be used in various ways for metaphysical healing, such as:

  • Placing it on the third eye chakra during meditation to enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Carrying it with you throughout the day to promote tranquility and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Using it in crystal grids to amplify the energies of other crystals.
  • Placing it on the throat chakra to enhance communication and self-expression.

Tips to Choose the Right Kyanite:

When choosing kyanite, it is essential to trust your intuition and choose the stone that resonates with you the most. Look for kyanite that is free from cracks, chips, or blemishes, and has a vibrant color. You can also choose kyanite based on its energetic properties, such as its color or shape.



Kyanite is a versatile crystal that is known for its spiritual and healing properties. It is believed to promote overall well-being, balance chakras, and enhance intuition. Kyanite can be used in various ways for metaphysical healing, such as meditation, crystal grids, and carrying it with you throughout the day. When choosing kyanite, it is important to trust your intuition and choose a stone that resonates with you.



Kyanite Specs

  • Color: Blue, Black, Orange or Green
  • Type of stone: Kyanite
  • Hardness: 4.5-7
  • Planet: Mercury & Neptune
  • Numerology: 4
  • Element: Water & Air
  • Source: USA, Myanmar, Cambodia, Kenya, Nepal, Tibet, Brazil, Switzerland, Australia, Russia United States
  • Chakra: All
  • Astrological/Zodiac: Leo
  • Magical Uses: Activate the higher chakras especially the throat and third eye chakras

Pictures of Kyanite

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