Healing Properties
of Mookaite Jasper

Metaphysical Healing Properties of Mookaite

You’ll find Mookaite Jasper also known as Mook Jasper, Australian Jasper, Mokite, and a few other spelling variations. Being part of the Jasper family, it has the qualities that all jaspers have. Among the most useful Metaphysical Healing Properties of Mookaite Jasper is its ability to slow down the aging process.

Mookaite Jasper is infused with the earth’s energy, which allows one to instinctively know which way to go.

You can soothe geopathic stress by connecting harmoniously with the earth’s electromagnetic current with Mookaite. Natural radiation or underground water or caverns can cause geopathic stress. Also electromagnetic fields created by electronics or wires, or originated from the earth.

Place Mookaite strategically around your home or other areas to heal these symptoms (and others).

People with geopathic stress can experience illness that is unexplainable, or that doesn’t seem to heal no matter what they do. Because geopathic stress typically manifests in the physical over time, it may not be understood correctly right away. From time to time, it is good to change up your home, office, and living space. This helps to ensure that the energy continues to flow and doesn’t stagnate. To minimize geopathic stress, you can use a Mookaite Jasper grid around your home.

Mookaite can also be a wonderful stone if you’re trying to connect with your animals or animal spirits.

You can use it as an assistant stone for animal communication if you are looking for one.

We can also access our ancestral spirit helpers through Mookaite.

Using Mookaite to connect with spirit enables us to access the ancient knowledge of the past. Connecting with ancient spirits raises the vibration of one’s thoughts and slows down the process of physical aging.

Mookaite Jasper encourages versatility and allows you to accept change.

It helps you to discover all the possibilities in a situation and to choose the right one. When someone is lonely or is suffering through some kind of bereavement, Mookaite makes an excellent companion stone.

You can meditate with Mookaite Jasper.

Meditation with Mookaite will take you into a calm and serene state of mind that will allow you to contact spirits in other dimensions. Since Mookaite is a type of Jasper, it also has grounding and centering energies as well.

By using Mookaite in meditation, you remain grounded in the present moment while allowing spirit communication.

This makes Mookaite a valuable and useful stone for people that are mediums, clairvoyants, tarot readers, and psychics.

Using Mookaite Jasper whenever your body is tired or you feel older than you really are, is a great way to help! Its energy seems to gives a stabilizing force of energy when it is embraced.

The Mookaite raises your vibration when you hold it in your hand or keep it nearby.

It assist you in feeling ageless in the body, mind, and spirit. You may begin to sense the vibrations subtly at first. Then notice yourself becoming stronger and more vibrant over time. In addition to your vibration being raised, there is a chance that you will feel better physically the longer Mookaite is in your aura.

Using Mookaite Jasper when in meditation and you are working with your spirit guides can really help enhance any session!

Hold a piece of Mookaite in your hands while meditating, or place it at your feet if you’re lying down. That works well for most people. Most of all, experiment with this stone. It’s a very interesting stone that has lots of potential uses!

All jaspers have certain qualities. These metaphysical healing properties also pertain to Mookaite Jasper. Below are some of those general characteristics, of all types of jasper.

Jasper helps to align the chakras and facilitates dream recall.

It is a balancing stone that works to align the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with the etheric realm.

On a physical level jasper aids in sexual dysfunction and prolongs sexual pleasure by supporting and re-energizing the physical body. Jasper works on healing the digestive, circulatory, and reproductive organs of the body. It is especially useful because it does not over stimulate. In contrast, Jasper presents positive energy in sufficient amounts to promote well-being.

Placing jasper in a room helps to eliminate negative energies.

It also allows one to accept responsibility and become more grounded in the stabilizing energies of the earth. Metaphysically jasper helps to balance the yin and yang energies and stabilizes the aura.

Jasper works to soothe any dysfunctional energy within the aura.

Revitalizing and working to keeps one’s energy levels high. It is a wonderful stone to give to people that have been sick for a long time. It helps one’s energy to remain strong and consistent.

Physically, jasper helps heal the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, stomach, and works on assisting the deterioration of internal organs. Jasper can also be used to soothe nerves and help with the loss of the sense of smell.

Hopefully, you find this article regarding the metaphysical healing properties of Mookaite Jasper both useful and informative! Be sure to visit the blog Confessions of a Rock-A-Holic for other articles on gemstones and ways to use them!

Mookaite Specs

  • Type: Mookaite Jasper (Australian Jasper)
  • Hardness: 7
  • Color: Mostly Maroon with Yellow Inclusions
  • Numerology: 5
  • Chakra: Third Eye, Solar Plexus, Root Chakra
  • Astrological: Taurus
  • Magical Uses: Slowing the Aging Process, Connecting with Earth Energies, Animal Communication, Stability When Feeling Drained

Pictures of Mookaite Jasper

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