Healing Properties
of Rhodochrosite

Metaphysical Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite

In this article, we will discuss the amazing Metaphysical Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite.

Rhodochrosite’s name comes from two Greek words: rhodos for “rose” and khros for “color.” Together, the two words mean “rose-colored,” based on its raspberry hues. It is often found with white or tan veins traveling through it. It can be gemmy and crystalline, or solid in nature.

Rhodochrosite is known as a very loving and high energy stone. It is know as “the stone of love and balance”. This stone has many wonderful attributes to it, one being that it can easily balance and align your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies with one another. It is a wonderful healer for the heart chakra and will gently open and purify your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras as well.

One can feel a sense of tranquility and peace when utilizing it for meditation. It is said that it can connect you with your twin soul, and put you in a golden sphere of ecstasy when used in meditation.

Rhodochrosite is an excellent stone for love and relationships.

It is also wonderful for those who do not feel loved or cherished. It is said to attract a soul mate to the holder, but not necessarily a soul mate that is full of passion and happiness. Instead, it can attract someone who is what a person needs on a soul level. Sometimes our soul mates are not what we perceive to be the most joyful of relationships we have, but they are necessary for the growth of our souls.

Rhodochrosite is wonderful at lifting one’s mood and lightening up their attitudes.

People find it difficult to stay depressed when wearing or carrying a piece of Rhodochrosite with them. It vibrates with such a strong loving energy that it is hard to feel negativity in its presence. It also acts as a wonderful healer for the emotional body, allowing one to face the truth about oneself and others. This is, however, done from a loving and positive perspective, not a negative one.

Physically, Rhodochrosite will help to heal migraines if placed at the top of the spine.

It also purifies the circulatory system, kidneys, and invigorates the sexual organs.

This stone has been instrumental for connecting to the true meaning of love. Even looking at this stone is calming and peaceful. It is suggested that all healers have this in their healing tool kit.

Astrologically Rhodochrosite is connected to the signs of Scorpio & Leo.

Rhodochrosite Specs

  • Color: Pink, Red, Brown, Grey, Tan
  • Type of stone: Amethyst
  • Hardness: 3.5-4
  • Planet: Venus
  • Numerology: 4
  • Element: Water & Fire
  • Source: Argentina, South Africa, Peru, Montana, Russia, China, Gabon, Mexico, Japan, (and more)
  • Chakra: Sacral and Solar Plexus
  • Astrological/Zodiac: Scorpio & Leo
  • Magical Uses: Connection to the heart, soothing anger, self-love

Example Pictures of Rhodochrosite Gemstone

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