What does the word Namaste mean?

Many people ask, what is the definition of the word Namaste? 

Below is the definition of the word namaste, and other peoples translation of it. 

Namaste Definition: 

Namaste comes from the Sanskrit word namah te. Namaste is pronounced Nam-a-stay. In Sanskrit namah means “bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, adoration”. Te is the durative of the personal pronoun tvam, “you”. A literal translation of Namaste (namah te) is thus “reverential salutation to you.” It is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with the hands pressed together, palms touching, in front of the chest called Gassho. 

Often times one will say Namaste as a greeting, or to say hello or goodbye.

Namaste is a common greeting for Yoga or Reiki practitioners, but the meaning is far more than a greeting.

Namaste Girl


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  • The divine in me honors the divine in you. —Submitted by Marianne
  • I salute the Divine within you, what you do best, your natural gifts, I honour your uniqueness and your specialness! —Submitted by Lundu
  • Thank you for your presence. —Submitted by Sandra
  • My Namaste Translation is: saying hello or goodbye to someone honored in your life. —Submitted by Robyn
  • You & I are one!!! —Submitted by Wayne
  • I see and celebrate the Love that you are. —Submitted by Brian
  • The Light in me recognizes the Light in You. —Submitted by DJ
  • I respect and acknowledge your place in the universe or simply “Amen” —Submitted by Meg
  • I remember you from then that you dwelled in heaven as a highly developed spiritual entity and now i find you on earth and identify you as an incarnated human being, radiating the same pure divine light from your heart. I recognize and honor me and you as the God, cause we’re all loving children of God. —Submitted by Alexandros K.
  • The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you. I honor the light and love within you. —Submitted by Tricia
  • I greet that place where you and I are one. I salute the divine in you. You will always remain a bright light in my heart,soul and mind. You are unforgettable. —Submitted by Gemma
  • I acknowledge that you and I are part of the entity, viewing itself subjectively. —Submitted by Tom
  • As I know of it since my childhood, Namaste is a way to show respect, show love and show openness to receive the love and blessings coming in. Namaste in itself indicates politeness and as is accompanied by the bow, is accepting the supremeness and submitting to that. Namaste is killer of the aham (sanskrit word meaning ego). To me Namaste means accepting the superiority of the opposite person which directly eliminates personal ego and opens the path for the spiritual energy to flow and communicate. —Submitted by MKM
  • I salute the Light of God in you. I honor the divinity within you. —Submitted by Devika
  • I am very new to the Oneness belief and to meditation. Having heard Namaste used several times, when someone recently greeted me with it, I inquired of them what it meant. The answer was, “the Christ in me, recognizes and honors the Christ in you.” I noticed that when this same person greeted a few others in the group, he didn’t always use the word “Christ”. Sometimes it was “Divine,” “God,” “Spirit,” “Love,” etc. I was touched by this because I believe that his knowledge that I was new to this, and that my background was Christian, led him to select the word that meant the most to me, and that I could relate to best. Isn’t it a blessing that Namaste is many different words in one! —Submitted by Scotti
  • The Spirit in me honors the Spirit in you. —Submitted by Lynne
  • I recognize that within each of us is a place where Divinity dwells, and when we are in that place, we are One. I greet the place where you and I are one. —Submitted by Ron
  • I see and honor in you the place where God (or the universe) resides. When you are at that place in you, and I am at that place in me, we are one. —Submitted by CR
  • The word Namaste to me implies that despite outward appearances to the contrary, there is really only one of us present. I am openly acknowledging this. —Submitted by Anonymous
  • Hello Star! (HUGS!) Hmmm…this page got me thinking about how I use the word Namaste besides as a greeting, etc. There’s always a reverent feeling that washes over me whenever I whisper it aloud. The most “different” way that I use the word Namaste is as a sort of greeting, blessing/benediction, and thank you all in one. I do this when I am standing in front of my mirror and truly trying to see my “Self”–not preening or complaining about this or that facial feature, etc. To me, it’s almost like a meditation of sorts; it really does bring me to a deeper spiritual level, even if it is only for a few moments or minutes. I usually have my hands in the Gassho position ~or~ I gently cross my arms with each hand reaching toward the opposite shoulder. I look at the image reflected in the mirror and try to just feel the sense of “Self” that is there, the aura, and the energy that is around me. I also feel or sense that I am thanking my spirit guard and teachers when I do this as well, since I seem to feel their presence around me more vividly during that time; probably because it stills my mind so I can listen or focus better. This whole “meditation” can last a few seconds or a few minutes…whatever feels natural. After I feel I’ve reached a better, loving acceptance towards my Self, or just a more tranquil state of mind, I put my hands into the Gassho position, touch them to my heart, then to my third eye/forehead, and back to my heart, and whisper Namaste before I go. — Submitted by Maryann
  • “May God be with you and protect you” —Submitted by Becky
  • The divine in me, recognizes the divine in you. —Submitted by Brenda
  • I honor the place in you, where the entire Universe resides. I honor the place in you, where lies your love, your truth, and your beauty. I honor the place in you where… If you are in that place in you… And I am in that place in me… Then there is only one of us. —Submitted by Danielle

Although the word Namaste, is often used to greet other Reiki or Yoga practitioners, the meaning behind Namaste is beautiful. No matter the meaning you connect with. They all gets us back to the same place, as one.

If you would like to add your definition of the meaning *Namaste* please feel free send us a message and we will add it to this page.

Namaste Girl



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