Receive Reiki—For Free

Request to be placed on our Reiki Crystal Grid to receive distant Reiki healing energy daily.

How Our Distant Reiki Crystal Grid Works:

Our Distant Reiki Crystal Grid offers a unique way to receive continuous healing energy through the power of crystals and Reiki. 

You do not need to be a Reiki practicioner to request to join our Reiki Crystal Grid, and it is completely free to join. This page will guide you through the process. Below, you’ll find answers to common questions, including how to join the grid, how the energy is sent, and what to expect during your healing journey.

Dive in and discover how simple it is to request healing for yourself or someone you care about.

Antakarana Symbol, Reiki Crystal Grid by Starlene Breiter

The Reiki Crystal Grid

The small pieces of paper under the center crystal are the names of the people on the grid.

Please read before requesting Reiki.

FAQ’s for the Distant Reiki Grid

A Reiki grid is a special arrangement of crystals used to send continuous healing energy. In our grid, we use the Antakarana symbol at the center, which enhances the flow and amplification of energy. The crystals are placed in a geometric pattern around this symbol, creating a powerful tool for channeling healing energy.

A Reiki grid is a special arrangement of crystals used to send continuous healing energy. In our grid, we use the Antakarana symbol at the center, which enhances the flow and amplification of energy. The crystals are placed in a geometric pattern around this symbol, creating a powerful tool for channeling healing energy.

To be part of this healing experience, simply fill out the form below. You can request healing for yourself or someone else (with their consent). Your name will remain on the grid for 30 days, after which it will be respectfully removed. If more healing is needed, you are welcome to reapply.

Yes, you can, but please make sure you have their permission before submitting the request.

Your name will be placed in the crystal grid for 30 days. After this period, you can reapply if further healing is needed.

After 30 days, your name will be removed from the grid. You can request to be added again if you feel the need for more healing.

We would love to hear your healing story! Feel free to share your experience in the comment section below. Please remember, the comments are public, so avoid sharing personal information. Your feedback helps us improve our practices and serve you better.

Absolutely. Your privacy is important to us. We never share or sell your email, and you’ll only hear from us regarding your placement on the grid, We do not register you for our newsletter this way, you can join it though if you would like to!

You can request as often as necessary. If you still need healing after 30 days, feel free to reapply as often as you’d like.

Chakar person with mandala behind them

Reiki Request Form

Use this space to share your experience being on our Reiki crystal Grid

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