2 Reiki Charged Lepidolite Tumbles

2 Reiki Charged Lepidolite Tumbles

Here is a lovely set of tumbled Lepidolite stones that are energetically aligned to bring you lots of positive vibes! They also come in a cute organza pouch so you have a safe place to keep them.

There are a lot of benefits to using Lepidolite around you, including helping you feel calmer, soothing frayed emotions, and establishing a more balanced outlook. Lepidolite’s trace minerals make it a beneficial gemstone to have touching your skin – so hold these babies in your hands!


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2 Reiki Charged Lepidolite Tumbles

These Reiki charged Lepidolite tumbles are a delicate shade of lavender. The incredible energy they have will make you feel less stressed.

With these Lepidolite tumbles, you can not only increase your happiness levels, but also boost your mood. Additionally, they will balance all those emotions that run amok in your body, mind, and soul. Lepidolite is a traditional source of lithium. There is a common use for lithium when treating bipolar disorder, unbalanced emotions, and high mood swings.

We’ll charge this set of Lepidolite gemstones with Reiki energy. It will promote a tranquil vibe that will help in the most challenging of situations.

Some of the common uses of Lepidolite are:

  • Defend against electromagnetic fields
  • Helps regulate menstruation

You can read more about the energetic vibrations of Lepidolite in this article on our website.

Please know that working with gemstones is not a replacement for traditional medical care. Rather it is a complimentary addition that you can use while under the care of your medical professionals.

Reiki energy will also be charged into this Lepidolite set.

This will result in you feeling pleasantly energized after receiving it. You can read more about Reiki on our website if you are unfamiliar with it or would like to learn more.

If you prefer not to have it charged with Reiki, please let me know.

Additional information

Weight 1.51 oz
Dimensions 1.5 in


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2 Reiki Charged Lepidolite Tumbles


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