Karmic Reiki Distant Attunements I-II

Karmic Reiki Distant Attunements I-II

The Karmic Reiki distant attunement is a modality of energy that specializes in the concept of Karma. It assists in dealing with various ailments from past lives.

This modality works well with the Akashic Records attunement too. The Akashic Records helps you seek the past incarnations and Karmic Reiki assists with healing.



Karmic Reiki Distant Attunements I-II

Karmic Reiki is also known as Auric Reiki. The process has two attunements. This modality is a type of Reiki energy that specialized in the concept of Karma and dealing with various karmic events.

You may be familiar with the terms “good Karma” or “bad Karma”. The approach that Karmic Reiki takes is that no specific karma is good or bad, it simply is. You can energetically heal this by working with the symbols in Karmic Reiki and using the method outlined in the manual as a guide.

You will learn several exercises for doing this and will receive 5 symbols. There are 2 levels for Karmic Reiki and it is best if you are attuned to Usui Level 2 or above before receiving this attunement.

This modality contains:

  • Distant attunements
  • PDF manual
  • PDF blank digital certificate that you can print out and fill out yourself.
  • Email assistance to answer questions you may have about this attunement.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to guiding you!
Namaste, Starlene


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Karmic Reiki Distant Attunements I-II


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